Making A Legacy Gift In Your Will

The following is the suggested language for making a gift in your Last Will and Testament to your church. It is quite simple and with the help and guidance of your legal advisor and your family, it can be customized to meet your specific giving needs and legacy goals.
Three general choices are available, an “Outright Gift”, a “Residuary Gift ”, or a “Contingent Gift”.
- Outright – “I hereby leave 10% of my estate to Wesley Freedom United Methodist Church.”
- Outright – “I hereby leave 10% of my estate to Wesley Freedom United Methodist Church to be divided in half, with one half to the Permanent Endowment and one half for current needs.”
- Residuary – “The residual assets of my estate are to be divided in half, with one half to my son, Adam, and the other half to Wesley Freedom United Methodist Church.”
- Contingent – “I hereby leave $5,000 to my great niece for her college education. In the event she has completed college at the time of my death, the bequest shall be given to Wesley Freedom UMC.”
NOTE: Loved ones or charities can benefit from any of these gifts and estate taxes may be reduced.
You may additionally include your church as a beneficiary of your Retirement Plan (IRA, 401k, 403b, etc.) or as a named beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Additionally, the Mid-Atlantic United Methodist Foundation offers a Charitable Gift Annuity program that may provide you with an attractive income today and a lasting gift for your church.
For personalized assistance on making your gift to our endowment, contact our partner (and Sykesville neighbor) Frank Robert at 410-309-3475 or , or check in with our Endowment Leader, Mark Gage, at .