United Women
in Faith

Faith, Hope and Love in Action

The United Women in Faith (formerly “United Methodist Women”) seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities

United Women in Faith (Global) Baltimore-Washington UWFaith

Once again the United Women in Faith is teaming up with our American Cancer Society to bring the Daffodil Days Campaign. Your order of fresh-cut daffodils, tulips, or potted daffodils will benefit the ACS and bring hope to those affected by cancer. ALL dollars raised will support groundbreaking cancer research, patient services, and other lifesaving programs. 
Place you order form (link below to print) and payment (cash or check made payable to UMW) in the Daffodil Basket located in the Gathering Area by Sunday, February 16th. Flowers will be available for pick up in the Gathering Area on Sunday, March 23rd.

Questions?? Contact Lynda Wilhelm at 410-491-8818, wilhelmlk91@gmail.com


Lynda Wilhelm
Email | 410-491-8818

Michele Rogers

Amy Landry