Adult Small Groups

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Explore and register for Bible Studies & Life Groups here

Enjoy exploring the variety of Bible Studies (which focus on learning) and life groups (which focus on sharing life in community). We pray you find just the right place to belong! For more information or to join a group, email the group leader listed or explore and register on-line at For help finding just the right fit, email our lay leader Mark DeVault at

Find Your Group

If you would like to attend a group, please first contact the group leader to make sure there have been no last minute changes to time or location

Last Best Gift workshop

Last Best Gift Workshop is on Sunday April 27th at 3:00pm in the CLC.

Sunday, 9:30am: Life Group

We are here to support each other as we seek to bring faith into our homes and families.  

9:30am begins March 3rd in Pastor’s Office. 

Teachers: Sean & Martine Foreman


Sunday, 9:30am: Adult Sunday School – 7 Days of our Salvation

Join us as we discuss the scriptures and themes of the week’s worship and devotions.  

All are welcome. 

Class resumes January 5th in the Office Conference Room.

Teacher  Roger Bridges (

Sunday, 9:30am: Adult Sunday School – “So The World May Know”

We utilize video studies connecting holy places and scripture. We are studying Acts the book from which Paul’s journey emerges. 9:30am.

Location: Eldersburg Campus, Room 201

Leader: Vic Cison (

Sunday, 6:30pm: Parents of Young Adults

Reading: Now That They Are Grown

This group has paused for the holidays. We would love to welcome you in the New Year. Contact Sarah below for more information.

Teacher – Sarah Gibson (sgibson817@ & Liesel Rupprecht (

Tuesday, 9:45AM: Bible & Breakfast Women’s Group

A Women’s Bible study where you are invited to bring your breakfast on the go and join women of all ages to read and study Scripture.

Location: Eldersburg Campus

Leader: Gloria Stankiewicz (

Tuesday, 6:30pm: ADAM Men’s Group (Affiliated Community Bible Study)

The Zoom link below is for the ongoing A*D*A*M men’s Bible study hybrid meeting, occurring every Tuesday from 6:30—7:30 pm Eastern, beginning Tuesday, January 24, 2023.

 This group meets to read the Bible and discover its meaning – usually one chapter at a time.

This meeting is for anyone interested in learning more about the Bible and the stories it contains. All men from any faith (or no faith at all) are invited to attend.  This class is intended to educate and inform rather than indoctrinate or coerce, and our aim is to learn rather than argue. Anyone may listen/watch.

The in-person portion of ADAM takes place at Wesley Freedom United Methodist Church –  Wesley Freedom Google Map Pin. Attendance space is limited, but if you care to join in person, please confirm an open chair by emailing  @Chapters Bible Study

The format of the meeting is to read at least one chapter of the Bible, out loud, and discover its meaning for ourselves. We do this through leader-lecture, discussion, and Q&A. We interpret what we read through three theological tenets (or lenses), which attendees may either question or confirm, depending on where they stand in their individual faith journey. To assist the newcomer, I have listed the tenets as questions one can ask oneself while listening to the Scripture being read:

Is God real? I mean, really, Really real? If so, is the Bible telling me the truth? Is Jesus who He says He is, and if so, how can I know Him?

Location: Room 201

Leader: Ben White  (

Tuesday, 7:00pm – 9:00pm Financial Wellness 4-week class

Join Mike & Karen Stebner for a 4-week seminar on the basics of personal finance which will empower you to make sound financial plans & reach your financial & generosity goals!

Location: Room 200 Meets Tuesday’s starting January 14th – February 4th starting 7:00pm

Register –

Leader: Michael & Karen Stebner (

Wednesday, 9:45am: Freeing Jesus

9:45am Prayer, 10:00a.m. Class in the CLC

Deepening our relationship with Jesus as we read “Freeing Jesus” and explore the scriptures. Begins January 22nd.

Leader: Mark DeVault ( – 

Wednesdays, 7pm – The Lord is My Shepherd – and knows…I’m not straight

Explore what it means to love, care, and worship with or as LGBTQIA+ people in the life of the church – past, present, and future. Beginning March 12th in room 304

A note from Pastor Jenny

I am grateful for Dr. Eric Hess’ willingness to share his professional expertise and deep personal faith with our congregation this Spring. His course invites LGBTQIA+ community members and those who desire to support them to explore years of research, Biblical and theological work. For many of us it is an opportunity to pair our desire to be inclusive with thoughtful understanding.

Leader: Eric Hess (

Wednesday, 6:30pm “The Lord’s Prayer”

This adult class will take place Wednesday evenings, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, beginning on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. This 6-week study will take us through Adam Hamilton’s book The Lord’s Prayer, which will explore “the meaning and power of the prayer Jesus taught.”

Leader: Robert Jacoby (

Wednesday, 6:30pm – Life Group for Parents of Children and You

Join us as we explore how a relationship with Jesus impacts our lives and our parenting.

Leader: Jarod Spessard (

Friday, 9:30am: Friday Friends

Friday Friends is a small group of women (with coffee) who meet to study daily readings or devotionals and discuss how they are meaningful today. Join us to reflect upon the Advent Devotional; (Jesus Light For The World) at 9:30am in Room 200.

Leader: Lynn Clarke (

Fellowship Groups

Men’s Breakfast


All men are invited to meet together for a hearty breakfast and time of devotion and discussion.

Prime Timers


This social group (mostly retired individuals and couples) enjoys getting together for dinner, dessert and get-togethers in members’ homes. 

MOPS (Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers)

Our M.O.P.S. group has returned! If you are interested in learning more about this group or joining, check out their website here:

Got Questions?

If you don’t see something that fits your schedule, or if a group you are interested in is currently at its maximum capacity, please contact our staff and we will be happy to discuss other options. New groups are always forming along with seasonal studies. 

Contact Pastor Jenny